Tomb Raider: Between Then and Now is a great success

 The Tomb Raider series is one of the most iconic and beloved video game franchises in history. The series first debuted in 1996 with the release of the original Tomb Raider game for the PlayStation and has since spawned numerous sequels and spin-offs across a wide range of platforms.

The series follows the adventures of Lara Croft, a British archaeologist, and adventurer who travels the world in search of ancient artifacts and treasures. Over the years, Lara has faced off against a wide range of enemies and obstacles, including rival treasure hunters, supernatural creatures, and deadly traps and puzzles.

One of the defining features of the Tomb Raider series is its focus on exploration and puzzle-solving. Each game in the series is set in a vast, open world filled with hidden secrets, treasures, and puzzles to solve. Players must use their wits and skills to navigate these environments, uncovering clues and secrets along the way.

Another defining feature of the Tomb Raider series is its emphasis on action and combat. Lara is a skilled fighter and markswoman, and players must use her weapons and abilities to fight off enemies and survive the dangers of the world around her.

Over the years, the Tomb Raider series has undergone numerous changes and evolutions. In the early games, Lara was portrayed as a highly sexualized character, with exaggerated proportions and revealing clothing. However, in recent years, the series has undergone a more serious and realistic tone, with a focus on character development and storytelling.

The most recent entries in the series, including 2013's Tomb Raider and its sequel, Rise of the Tomb Raider, have been widely acclaimed for their storytelling, gameplay, and graphics. These games have reimagined Lara Croft as a more complex and nuanced character, with a rich backstory and a wide range of emotions and motivations.

In addition to the mainline games, the Tomb Raider series has also spawned numerous spin-offs and adaptations, including comic books, novels, and movies. The most recent movie adaptation, released in 2018 and starring Alicia Vikander as Lara Croft, was a moderate critical and commercial success.

In conclusion, the Tomb Raider series is one of the most beloved and iconic video game franchises in history. With its focus on exploration, puzzle-solving, and action, the series has captivated gamers for over two decades. While the series has undergone numerous changes and evolutions over the years, it remains a beloved and cherished part of gaming history, and will likely continue to inspire and entertain gamers for years to come.

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