Class Central: Find the best courses, wherever they exist.

Class Central is a website that provides a comprehensive directory of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) from universities and institutions from around the world. The website was founded in 2011 by Dhawal Shah, a graduate of the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay and Stanford University.

Class Central is a one-stop shop for online learners who are looking for free or low-cost courses from top universities and institutions. The website offers a user-friendly interface that allows users to search for courses based on their interests, level of difficulty, language, and duration.

Courses on Class Central cover a wide range of topics, including computer science, humanities, social sciences, business, science, and engineering. The website features courses from top universities such as Stanford, MIT, Harvard, and Yale, as well as from lesser-known institutions.

One of the key features of Class Central is its review system. Users can leave reviews and ratings for the courses they have taken, which helps other users make informed decisions about which courses to take. The review system also provides valuable feedback to course providers, which helps them improve their courses and make them more effective.

Another feature of Class Central is its newsletter, which provides users with updates on new courses, special offers, and other news related to online learning. The newsletter is sent out on a regular basis and is a great way for users to stay up-to-date with the latest developments in online education.

Class Central also offers a range of resources for learners, including articles on online learning, tips for effective studying, and guides to using online learning platforms. These resources are designed to help learners get the most out of their online learning experience and to help them achieve their educational goals.

In addition to its directory of courses, Class Central also offers a range of other services. The website features a job board that lists job openings in the education and technology sectors, as well as a discussion forum where users can connect with other learners and share their experiences.

Class Central is a valuable resource for anyone who is interested in online learning. The website provides a comprehensive directory of courses from top universities and institutions, as well as a range of resources and services to help learners get the most out of their online learning experience. Whether you are a student, a professional, or simply someone who is interested in learning new things, Class Central is a great place to start.
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